Sunday, 28 October 2012

living the life!

these days i'm not on to that much of blogging and stuff! even not in on to social networking either. dont kno the reason! in terested in completely nothing except wantering around the world! this traveling thing surely makes me more clearly its making me create a new thought on going travelling. but that aint possible for m now. this is an awkward situation people, we know what our heart wants and feels but cant act on it. its the nature of being committed to something. its the sideeffects of our modern life, our society. we cant do what our heart really wants. i really need to figure something out for this.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Graphene Nanopores Can Be Controlled: Less Costly Ways of Sequencing DNA

Engineers at The University of Texas at Dallas have used advanced techniques to make the material graphene small enough to read DNA.

These are transmission electron microscope images of a nanopore in graphene. The original pore on the left grows considerably under the influence of the electron beam. The image on the right is the pore after four minutes at 800 °C. Pores either shrink or grow depending on the temperature and electron beam irradiation.

Shrinking the size of a graphene pore to less than one nanometer -- small enough to thread a DNA strand -- opens the possibility of using graphene as a low-cost tool to sequence DNA.
The first reading, or sequencing, of human DNA by the international scientific research group known as the Human Genome Project cost about $2.7 billion. Engineers have been researching alternative nanomaterials materials that can thread DNA strands to reduce the cost to less than $1,000 per person.
The first reading, or sequencing, of human DNA by the international scientific research group known as the Human Genome Project cost about $2.7 billion. Engineers have been researching alternative nanomaterials materials that can thread DNA strands to reduce the cost to less than $1,000 per person.
It was demonstrated in 2004 that graphite could be changed into a sheet of bonded carbon atoms called graphene, which is believed to be the strongest material ever measured. Because graphene is thin and strong, researchers have searched for ways to control its pore size. They have not had much success. A nanoscale sensor made of graphene could be integrated with existing silicon-based electronics that are very advanced and yet cheap, to reduce costs.
the  team manipulated the size of the nanopore by using an electron beam from an advanced electron microscope and in-situ heating up to 1200 degree Celsius temperature.

Now that researchers know the pore size can be controlled, the next step in their research will be to build a prototype device.

If we could sequence DNA cheaply, the possibilities for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment would be limitless

The study was funded by the Southwest Academy of Nanoelectronics, Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the World Class University Program.